Bridging musicians
Play directly with other musicians on the Internet.
Using Songpark
See how musicians are using Songpark to rehearse and record a song. They are in different parts of town, and are playing together in real time!

Create an online music room and share a link with your friends
Plug in your microphones and instruments.
Play together in real time and record a session.
Use the Teleporter and the app
The Teleporter is an audio interface for the Internet. Connect your microphones, guitars, or other instruments to the Teleporter, which establishes a real time connection with other musicians.
The Songpark app lets you find the musicians you want to play with. Search and filter by things like proficiency, genre, instrument, and age (or just search for your band mates). Connect using the Teleporter and play together instantly.
“I don’t feel any latency using Songpark”
—Lars Beckstrøm, DeLillos